hospice house frequently asked questions
Why does Richmond need a freestanding Community Hospice House? Don’t most people prefer hospice in the home?
Many people do prefer to have hospice services in the home; however, there are many circumstances that necessitate an inpatient setting with around-the-clock nursing care for short periods of time.
As the Richmond metro area’s only freestanding hospice facility, the Community Hospice House offers a homelike setting with 16 private, comfortable rooms, 24-hour nursing coverage, a chapel for prayer, patient and family reception areas, a central dietary service and a family kitchen, meditation gardens for patients and families, and more.
Is staying at the Community Hospice House covered by insurance?
Yes. To qualify for hospice coverage, specific criteria must be met. Bon Secours Hospice program staff will assist you with this process. Hospice coverage is provided by Medicare nationwide, by Medicaid in 47 states, and by most private health insurance policies. Private pay is also an option. To be sure of coverage, families should check with their employer or health insurance provider.
To be eligible for hospice coverage under Medicare or Medicaid, a patient must have a medically confirmed “terminal illness,” which is defined as having a life expectancy of six months or less if the illness runs its normal course. You also must choose to receive hospice services rather than active treatment for the illness.
If a patient does not have insurance coverage, can hospice care still be provided at the Community Hospice House?
Yes. No one is ever turned away from the Community Hospice House because of an inability to pay. However, the hospice staff will check to see if the patient is eligible for any coverage of which they may be unaware. If a patient has no coverage and meets certain regulatory criteria, care will be provided and paid for through charitable donations from the community.
Do you have to use a Bon Secours physician to stay at the Community Hospice House?
No. The Community Hospice House is open to all patients regardless of which physician, hospital or hospice program is making the referral, dependent on bed availability.
Who is most likely to stay at the Community Hospice House?
Patients at the Community Hospice House often include – but are not limited to – those with end-stage diseases such as cancer, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, kidney disease, advanced Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
How can I contact the Community Hospice House?
Please call our main hospice phone during regular business hours (Monday – Friday, 8am – 4:30pm). For emergencies you may contact us at any hour, seven days a week. Call our office (804-627-5360) or our toll-free number (866-664-6344)
How does a patient get admitted to the Community Hospice House?
The formal admission process starts with the hospice staff contacting a patient’s physician to ensure that the doctor agrees that admission to the Community Hospice House is best for the patient. Once approved, the patient signs consent and insurance forms that are similar to forms required to enter a hospital and state that the patient understands that care is palliative rather than curative. (Palliative means relieving pain and controlling symptoms rather than curative treatments.) This form also outlines the services provided. Medicare patients also sign a form that explains how choosing Medicare hospice benefits for a life-limiting illness affects other Medicare coverage. For more information, please call the Community Hospice House at 804-627-5360.