support hospice
When you make a gift to the Community Hospice House you are supporting an initiative grounded in Bon Secours Richmond’s deep commitment to hospice care – a founding element of the ministry of the Sisters of Bon Secours that began in 1824. Donations from more than 1,000 grateful families were instrumental in establishing the Bon Secours Community Hospice House in 2015. As the only freestanding hospice facility in the region, this resource is a tremendous asset to our community.
Donations to Community Hospice House support our team in providing an extra level of comfort and care for patients and their families on their end of life journey. Donations support bereavement services in providing legacy gifts such as fingerprint necklaces, framed photos of loved ones, and holiday legacy ornaments. Donor support also funds the Pet Peace of Mind program, which allows patients to keep their beloved companion animals, paying for vet bills and assisting with rehoming the pet to a new forever home after the patient passes. Community philanthropy also funded the recently completed connector addition hallway, completing the hospice house design.
To make a gift to the Community Hospice House, click here. Contact Paige Bullen, Senior Gift Officer for Hospice with Bon Secours Richmond Health Care Foundation at (540) 290-6325 or paige_bullen@bshsi.org.